Every Thursday we send out a curated newsletter on all things femtech and women’s health innovation. This is an excerpt from the latest edition. If you’d like to subscribe, you can do so at the bottom of this page.

NEXT Life Sciences raises $1.55M for Plan A, its male contraceptive.
Canadian fertility care platform Twig Fertility raises $8M in Series A financing.
Gedea Biotech secures €1.3M to accelerate the market launch of its antibiotic-free vaginal infection treatment.
Personalized Nutrition startup AHARA launches with $10M+ in funding.
Daré Biosciences reports positive results for its Sildenafil cream in women with sexual arousal disorder.
Recharge Capital launches Generation Prime, a “full-stack, closed-loop IVF clinic” network in Southeast Asia.
A landmark discovery at the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney could change the way endometriosis is treated.
Femtech Investment Round-up – May 2023
In the Know
Female Millennials Most Affected by Medical Gaslighting, According to New Research by Mira (Femtech Insider)
The Potential of AI in IVF Care: A Fertility Nurse’s Perspective (Femtech Insider)
Virtual Clinics are Battling Inequalities in Women’s Health (Wired)
Rude comments and bottom slaps: The things female doctors put up with (Washington Post)
The first babies conceived with a sperm-injecting robot have been born (MIT Technology Review)
Academia’s postdoc system is teetering, imperiling efforts to diversify life sciences (STAT News)
A catatonic woman awakened after 20 years. Her story may change psychiatry. (Washington Post)
Creating sperm or egg from any cell? Reproduction revolution on the horizon (npr)
Eating Disorder Helpline Disables Chatbot for ‘Harmful’ Reponses After Firing Human Staff (Vice)
Global Fertility has collapsed, with profound economic consequences (Economist)