Femtech TV

Why are private healthcare organisations turning to Femtech?

I’m on a mission to start the conversation ‘how can femtech help the NHS’ but of course there are so many organisations that could benefit.  Take, for example, private healthcare providers that need to be on the front foot to maintain their competitive edge.  In the UK the private healthcare offer has traditionally focused on access, choice, continuity of care, facilities and…

PocDoc’s Kiran Roest Talks Hormonal Health, Entrepreneurship and Women in Healthcare Leadership on Femtech TV

Kiran Roest is no stranger to healthcare innovation. Following a first-class BA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and a PhD in Immunology & Virology from Imperial College London, Kiran has added 15+ years of experience driving innovation initiatives at world-leading Life Science and Medtech organisations, including Thomson Reuters and Pfizer, across clinical and scientific research, business development and consulting. She has…

How Flying Health’s Lina Behrens Applies Private Sector Approaches to Tackle Social Problems in Healthcare and Beyond

Lina Behrens is the Managing Director of Flying Health, the leading ecosystem for Next Generation Healthcare and spends her days guiding industry leaders and digital health entrepreneurs as they explore and create tomorrow’s healthcare together. Beyond her daily work at Flying Health, Lina is a passionate advocate for female leadership and female entrepreneurship. She is  a Vice President of the German Startup…

“Can Femtech Help the NHS?”: A New Femtech TV Interview Series with DigitalHealth.London’s Jenny Thomas

Avid readers of our blog will have already noticed… Yes! We’re starting a video platform and are incredibly excited to introduce our first themed channel hosted by DigitalHealth.London‘s Jenny Thomas, who will sit down with experts from across the NHS and UK digital health ecosystem to explore the question “Can Femtech Help the NHS?”. For those who don’t know, the National Health Service (NHS)…

Healthy.io’s Katherine Ward: “Working with the NHS can be complicated, but with the right partners it’s absolutely possible.”

Can femtech help the NHS? In our brand new Femtech TV series no other than DigitalHealth.London’s Jenny Thomas sits down with experts from across the NHS and UK digital health ecosystem to explore just that! Tune in and and if you like check out the other episodes in this series on Femtech TV! In this episode, Jenny Thomas speaks with Katherine Ward,…

Dr. Hiba Saleem: “I don’t think we talk about femtech enough yet in the NHS. It’s early days. We’re only just getting started.”

Can femtech help the NHS? In our brand new Femtech TV series no other than DigitalHealth.London’s Jenny Thomas sits down with experts from across the NHS and UK digital health ecosystem to explore just that! Tune in and and if you like check out the other episodes in this series on Femtech TV! In this episode, Jenny Thomas speaks with Dr. Hiba Saleem, Associate…

The Della HQ’s Karen Heng: “I’ve always started businesses and brought ideas to life. If you can think it, I’ve probably tried to start it!”

Karen Heng, who we got to speak to earlier this week, is a bit of a serial entrepreneur. “I’ve always started businesses and brought ideas to life. I can tell you about starting an offline magazine, a vegan restaurant in Singapore, a denim fashion brand, a wellness lifestyle product, a mobile payments app in Brazil. If you can think it, I’ve probably…

Peppy’s Mridula Pore: “All of us will have episodes in our lives, where our health is vulnerable. We may not consider ourselves ill enough to go to a medical doctor but we do need support.”

Can femtech help the NHS? In our brand new Femtech TV series no other than DigitalHealth.London’s Jenny Thomas sits down with experts from across the NHS and UK digital health ecosystem to explore just that! Tune in and and if you like check out the other episodes in this series on Femtech TV! In this episode, Jenny Thomas speaks with Mridula Pore, Peppy‘s Co-founder…