PCOS startup Allara is adding some star power to the team and has announced that Jaime King, actor, filmmaker, and activist, now supports the company as both investor and Director of Impact. King, who struggled with infertility herself, is joining Allara on its mission to destigmatize PCOS. PCOS, short for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, affects 1 in 10 women globally. Around 50% of women with…
Celmatix, a New York-based pre-clinical stage biotech company focused on ovarian biology, has announced today that a novel PCOS target identified as part of its five-year, multi-target alliance with Evotec, has progressed into hit-identification. It may still be early in the process, but what this milestone essentially means is that Celmatix, Evotec and pharma leader Bayer, who formed a “PCOS alliance” around…