Babyscripts, the virtual care platform for managing obstetrics, is partnering with Privia Health, a technology-driven, national physician enablement company that collaborates with medical groups, health plans and health systems. Through this collaboration, Privia Health will sponsor the use of Babyscripts to their providers across the nation, enabling physicians with Privia Women’s Health to deliver pregnancy care to their pregnant and postpartum patients. In conjunction with the expansion, Privia will work with payers to improve care coordination through Babyscripts’ virtual maternity care solution and detect risk faster, decrease costs, and improve outcomes.
Pregnant patients who receive care from the more than 300 Privia Women’s Health providers will have access to the Babyscripts myJourney app and remote monitoring solutions during the entirety of their prenatal journey and beyond. The collaboration is aimed at bridging the digital divide, reducing maternal health inequities, and targeting maternal mortality and morbidity rates by enabling Privia Health physicians to offer virtual care experiences and remote patient monitoring to their pregnant patients.
“According to the CDC, sixty-percent of maternal deaths are preventable. We need to have a consistent strategy that addresses all patient risks and involves all stakeholders in order to drive that number down to zero,” said Melissa Montague, Vice President and General Manager, Privia Women’s Health and Pediatrics. “For Privia, that means offering our providers access to cutting-edge maternity care capabilities to support their patients outside of the office, from the moment a mother finds out she’s pregnant to a year after childbirth, which is when so many women fall through the cracks in our healthcare system.”
The collaboration with Privia Health involves the delivery of the Babyscripts platform to mothers receiving prenatal and postpartum care at participating physician groups, providing remote patient monitoring to address maternal mental health, hypertension, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes; complications that disproportionately affect minority women. The Babyscripts myJourney app delivers gestational age-appropriate educational content, email campaigns, satisfaction surveys, appointment reminders, and weight monitoring; as well as evidence-based guidelines approved by the patient’s obstetrician in the form of daily nutritional, medical and lifestyle action items.
“With this collaboration, Privia Health is casting a vote of confidence for virtual maternity care, expanding the use of Babyscripts to their markets to truly transform maternal outcomes across the US” said Juan Pablo Segura, President and co-founder of Babyscripts, “With Babyscripts, Privia is making prenatal and postpartum care available at any time and any place, to help their providers move the needle on outcomes for the most vulnerable among our population.”
Babyscripts has spent the last seven years building a clinically-validated, virtual care platform to allow OBGYNs to deliver a new model of prenatal care. Using internet-connected devices for remote monitoring, Babyscripts offers risk-specific experiences to allow providers to manage up to 90% of pregnancies virtually, allowing doctors to detect risk more quickly and automate elements of care.