If there’s anything the last year and the global pandemic taught us, it’s that we need the products and services we use delivered in the safest and most convenient way possible. A birth control delivery and telemedicine company is launching in Colorado to make life easier and healthier for women. Pandia Health is the only women-founded, women-led, doctor-led birth control delivery company. Founded in Silicon Valley in 2016, the service is now available locally, offering services in English or Spanish.

While telemedicine has been around for many years, the pandemic has greatly accelerated use of the remote service as a safer, more convenient option. In general, getting birth control every month from a pharmacy has been difficult for many women, especially minorities. A June 2020 report from the Guttmacher Institute reported that 29 percent of white women, 38 percent of Black women, and 45 percent of Hispanic women had a hard time accessing birth control.

“We created Pandia Health to make women’s lives easier and to empower women to make decisions to protect their health and have easy, convenient access to the care and medicine they need to live a more productive and successful life,” said Dr. Sophia Yen, Pandia Health’s co-founder and CEO. With more than 20 years of experience in reproductive health, Dr. Yen has written more than 2000 birth control prescriptions in just the past two years. Pandia Health has brought together a group of expert birth control physicians and customer service agents passionate about providing excellent care and educating women.

“Having your birth control mailed directly to your home (with a freebie every time) is one of the smartest decisions you can make for yourself. Our goal is to help women feel great every day — whether that’s finding the right birth control for their body types and health histories or understanding that making #PeriodsOptional or having #FewerPeriods has many health benefits,” she continued.

The physicians at Pandia Health offer asynchronous online telemedicine consultations for birth control prescriptions for the pill, patch, or ring, and Pandia Health provides free delivery of the birth control pill by mail. “Asynchronous” means that you can fill out the needed information 24/7. It’s roughly 20 questions–the same questions that the physicians would ask you if you came into their offices. All that is required is a blood pressure measurement from the past year, a government ID, and a photo.

Pandia Health’s founders believe women shouldn’t have to worry about running to the pharmacy each month to get the medicine they need. Here’s what patients can expect:

  • Care from birth control expert physicians who understand and advocate for women’s reproductive/sexual health concerns.
  • Convenient, reliable, and confidential asynchronous telehealth for only $20 once a year to obtain an appropriate prescription, wherever you have Internet and a mailbox. No need to wait in line.
  • English and Spanish-speaking physicians and patient care advisors.
  • Easy and quick online registration and instant online chat (during business hours) with Pandia Health service agents.
  • Smart and passionate expert birth control physicians who provide cutting-edge, evidence-based healthcare, resulting in fewer side effects.
  • Never having to worry about running out of birth control again or the stress of trying to pick it up at a pharmacy every month. #PandiaPeaceOfMind

Dr. Yen said, “Pandia Health will always tell you what’s best for your health, even if it doesn’t benefit our bottom line. I’m the only birth control delivery CEO who has taken the Hippocratic Oath ‘Do no harm.’ We’re here to make women’s lives better.”

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