Today we’re excited to announce the launch of the Femtech Insider Podcast.
Each episode of the Femtech Insider Podcast will treat you to an in-depth conversation between leaders who drive change in femtech and women’s health and Femtech Insider founder Kathrin Folkendt. These will be the stories behind the stories you read on our site and in our newsletter.
The first three episodes, which drop on Monday, will feature:
- Monika Karpinski, founder of The Femedic, who shared her story and let’s us know what it’s really like to raise a round as a solo founder in the femtech space
- Ann Garnier, founder of Lisa Health, who talked to us about building a product, that helps women thrive during menopause
- Megan Capriccio, Femtech Collective Ambassador in Sydney, who shares which companies and geographies in APAC you should watch in 2020, if you’re interested in women’s health innovation
You can listen to our podcast here on our website, or wherever else you like to listen to your podcasts. We’re live on Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play and iTunes.
We are fortunate to be part of the Health Podcast Network. If you enjoy our content, you’ll probably like some of the other podcasts, that are part of the network as well.
Got feedback? Know someone, who should be on the podcast? Interested in becoming a sponsor? Let us know!