We last spoke about Expecting last November, when the US/Israeli company announced it’s $1M seed round. Following the financing the startup is now launching a new digital database to address the shortage of surrogates, supporting the fertility industry and parents-to-be find and recruit surrogates.
Expecting Co-founder & CEO Nadav Raanan shares: “In recent months, the number of available surrogates around the US fell drastically and we don’t see this changing any time soon. Although availability dropped, the demand for surrogates actually spiked as did the fees, and intended parents are the ones paying the price, waiting months and sometimes even over a year just to find an available surrogate. Expecting.ai is a high-tech company that develops innovative AI and marketing tools with the sole purpose of helping intended parents save precious time and hopefully money and enhancing the online reach and visibility of fertility providers, by streamlining and digitizing the surrogacy and egg donation process. With our innovative Potential Surrogate Database, we are able to digitally reach out to women who are willing to become surrogates, save them time and hassle by asking them to fill-in only one application form and connect them with numerous vetted fertility agencies. With this, we help solve probably the most acute problem of the surrogacy market today.”
The new database is offered as a premium service to fertility agencies and clinics that joined the Expecting platform, and it does more than just offer an effective solution to the surrogate shortage.
Expecting.ai also provides advanced digital marketing services to fertility agencies and enhances their reach and share of voice, as well as various services to intended parents, such as private psychological and medical screening of surrogates and egg donors and specialized legal advice and services to both intended parents and surrogates.