Image: Businesswire

Enlace Health (formerly Aver) and Wildflower Health have entered a new strategic partnership that enables an innovative new solution for the OB and newborn episode and addresses the growing interest and demand for a value-based approach to maternity care.

The Wildflower Health model focuses on enabling clinical, experiential, and cost advantages for maternity patients and their providers. To make these patient benefits a reality, Wildflower needed a solution partner that could fulfill analytic, administrative, and financial capabilities. The partnership with Enlace provides Wildflower with all assets needed to deliver their value-based care bundle.

The two companies are collaborating to deliver a comprehensive, turnkey, maternity bundle that fully operationalizes value-based care for OB providers, including helping them evaluate and design VBC models alongside payers; installing both digital health and point-of-care decision support tools; adapting current workflows to VBC requirements and continuously processing data, both for leveraging key clinical metrics in real-time, as well as managing financial payments, reconciliations, and outcomes measurement.

With the Enlace solution, Wildflower now has the power to continuously process data in real-time, enabling it to gain complete visibility into the entire episode of care, both clinically and financially. Key clinical quality metrics and financial payments are connected and delivered to Wildflower through Enlace’s differentiated risk-enablement solution.

Wildflower’s proprietary bundle spans from prenatal to postnatal care and accounts for the total cost of pregnancy for both mom and baby. The Wildflower digital health and point-of-care decision support tools are key assets for patients and providers while helping ensure providers are rewarded based on the best clinical care and cost containment methodologies.

“We have reached a crossroads in maternity healthcare. Costs continue to rise while outcomes for women and their babies are less than optimal,” said Leah Sparks, founder and CEO of Wildflower Health. “We will only transform patient care and outcomes if we move away from today’s current, inefficient fee-for-service model to a value-based model that rewards providers based on quality outcomes. Through our partnership, Wildflower and Enlace are filling key gaps and enabling providers and payers to come together and enter into successful, sustainable value-based care models for women’s health.”

With the Wildflower solution, providers and payers gain the power to view pricing and quality improvement opportunities, understand specific metrics, and project potential savings available for maternity and newborn episodes. The solution also fully enables financial management of the bundle, including distribution of payments to all participating providers, based on performance. From initial discussions to implementation, providers and payers have a blueprint to follow.

The bundle will help collapse silos between payers, providers, purchasers, and patients. It consolidates many disparate data sources, continuously assesses risk, stratifies patients, and escalates at-risk patients to a Wildflower Health advocate or a member of the provider’s care team.

“The capabilities Wildflower is bringing to the industry are inspiring. The capabilities are addressing real challenges in maternity care by bringing providers, payers, and patients together in an environment that drives better patient care and outcomes at lower total cost to all participants in the maternity episode. We worked with Leah and her team to ensure we had a complete understanding of the Wildflower value proposition. Working through the specific technical needs, the Enlace team knew our platform would be the only integrated technology stack able to support the deployment of Wildflower’s value-based care model. Enlace and Wildflower share the same mission and work tirelessly on behalf of our stakeholders to lead the industry’s successful growth and promise of value-based care.” shares Bill Nordmark, CEO, Enlace Health.

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