Image: Baymatob

Baymatob, an Australian medtech startup, has been awarded funding from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) as part of the ANDHealth+ digital health commercialisation program. This program supports Australian startups incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in healthcare. Baymatob’s project, Oli PPH, is a notable recipient of this funding.

Oli PPH is based on Baymatob’s Oli maternity sensor and diagnostic platform. It is the first AI-guided product designed to identify women at risk of developing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) before they give birth. PPH is a major cause of maternal mortality globally, and Oli PPH’s predictive capability represents an advance in maternal health care by enabling early clinical intervention.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Oli PPH Breakthrough Device Designation. This designation is given to products that provide more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases, highlighting the device’s potential impact on maternal health.

Baymatob was selected for $3.25 million in MRFF funding ahared with other companies such as Macuject, Neurotologix, and WeGuide. The MRFF’s investment aims to help these startups achieve clinical and commercial milestones and expand globally.

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