Zocdoc, the healthcare marketplace offering easy access to in-person or virtual care across various specialties, has unveiled a new initiative to inspire more women to prioritize their OB-GYN visits. As part of this effort, Zocdoc pledges to donate up to $10 million to the UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital, contributing $25 for every OB-GYN appointment booked via zocdoc.com/doctors/heretoseemygyno until August 21, 2023, marking one month after the theatrical release of the Barbie film.

Image: Warner Bros.

The initiative is a tribute to Barbie, the movie that got people across the globe talking these days. “This movie is clearly striking a chord with girls and women of all ages, and we found Barbie’s ultimate act of self-care to be triumphant and empowering,” said Jessica Aptman, Zocdoc’s Chief Communications Officer. “As a company with a mission to give power to the patient, Zocdoc wanted to leverage this cultural moment to inspire other women to also joyfully embrace their health.”

While women’s health appointments have been recovering post-pandemic, preventive care remains more crucial than ever. Recent studies show an increase in advanced stages of cervical cancer diagnoses and a potential rise in breast cancer rates due to reduced diagnoses in 2020.

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