Vaginal infections happen, whether it is caused by bacterial vaginosis, thrush, or something else entirely. When it does happen, you can use a vaginal suppository to treat the issue.
You may have heard of them in passing, but what are vaginal suppositories? A vaginal suppository is a hard supplement or a form of medication that is inserted directly into the vagina.

The applicator used is similar to that of a tampon, so the method of inserting the suppository is the exact same.
The reason vaginal suppositories are used is because this method completely bypasses the digestive system and works directly where it is needed.
So with this in mind, let’s take a look at what vaginal suppositories are and how to use them correctly.
Why Use A Vaginal Suppository?
When it comes to treating an infection, there are many ways to do so. Sometimes you need to take a tablet or a liquid orally, or perhaps an injection will do the trick. You may also be prescribed a cream or a nasal spray.
A vaginal suppository (you can also get rectal versions too) is just another way of treating an infection. Treating the problem this way means that you can target it directly.
However, just like all medications, each one has their pros and cons. However, the pros often outweigh the cons, so something like vaginal suppositories are worth considering.
Are There Benefits To Using A Vaginal Suppository?
There are many benefits to using vaginal suppositories.
The main reason why many women choose to go this route is because the medication from the suppository is absorbed by the body and into the bloodstream much quicker than taking the tablet orally.
However, there are plenty of other benefits too. Medication can interfere with a person’s digestive system. While often not serious, it just means it will not remove any of the good bacteria within your gut.
Instead, the medication is absorbed directly where it needs to be, rather than having to travel through your body unnecessarily.
Also, you can use a lower dosage due to it targeting the exact place it needs to be. This also often means that the body takes in a steady flow of the drug, rather than all at once.
All of this makes a vaginal suppository a great thing to use.
Are Their Cons To Using A Vaginal Suppository?
Like with everything, there are cons too. When it comes to vaginal suppositories, you might be hesitant to give them a go if you are not used to using something like tampons.
They may also cause localized skin irritation. However, this will disappear once you have finished using them. If the irritation seems severe, discontinue using them and seek further advice from a professional.
They also should not be used for a prolonged length of time, but this is very normal for any type of medication. You should never need to rely on medication, and instead they should be used when necessary.
What Reasons Might You Need To Use A Vaginal Suppository?
When it comes to the vagina, most women will experience some form of infection within their lifetime. This is because the vagina is very sensitive to a lot of things which may cause the pH balance to change.
When this happens the vagina can become overrun with bad bacteria, instead of the good stuff. You may then notice a foul smell, or even an unusual discharge.
If itching is involved also, then you will certainly know that you have an infection – if you have not guessed already!
The reason some women decide to use vaginal suppositories is because they are suffering with bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. Using this method of medication can help to put things right exactly where it needs to be.
The suppository will deliver the correct dosage of medication in a slow manner while your bloodstream absorbs it directly.

How Do Vaginal Suppositories Work?
Vaginal suppositories work by targeting the issue directly and bypassing the rest of your body. This gets the medication working a lot faster than if you were taking it orally.
Once the vaginal suppository has been inserted into the vagina, it can then get to work. Even though the capsule is hard, it slowly melts inside the vagina. While this happens your bloodstream begins to absorb it.
However, it is best to take a vaginal suppository at night. While it melts it may secrete from your body. For this reason, you will want to wear a period pad to collect any of the residue.
Over a few days you should then be free of your infection. If you are not, then it is time to see a medical professional.
How To Use A Vaginal Suppository?
If you have used a tampon before, then you are going to be a whizz at this. But even so, here is how to use a vaginal suppository:
Step 1
Wash your hands thoroughly with soapy water and use warm water to clean your vaginal area. Do avoid douching and soap, as this will not be necessary and may cause your infection to become worse.
Step 2
Take the applicator from its packaging and hold it at the base. You will notice there is a plunger. Take the medicated capsule and place it onto the other end.
Step 3
You will now need to prepare yourself to insert the capsule. You can stand with one leg on the ground and the other on the bath, or even lie on your back with your knees up.
Another option is to squat slightly with your legs a hip width apart. Find the most comfortable position for you.
Step 4
Once you are ready, breathe steady and insert the applicator directly into the vagina as far as you are comfortable with. You can then push the applicator’s plunger to release the capsule deeper into your vagina.
Step 5
Now you can gently remove the applicator. If the applicator is to be reused, wash it thoroughly with mild soap and water and let it air dry.
Final Thoughts
Vaginal suppositories are a great way to directly treat infections. However, you must remember not to have sex during use as it may nudge the suppository out of place, and it will not stop you becoming pregnant.
Also, you should not use tampons alongside a suppository. Always use a pad instead.
So long as you are aware of how to use one, and remember to avoid certain things, you will benefit from using a vaginal suppository.