Apiafrique, a Senegalese social business that develops innovative and environmentally friendly products for women and babies, in partnership with It4life, IDinsight, YUX and DIT, has launched Weerwi, a new platform to ‘break the cycle’ and accompany girls toward a better understanding of their menstrual cycle. The tools on the Weerwi platform are designed to give girls the information they need to understand their menstrual cycle, accompany them in their personal development and help them communicate effectively about periods.
According to Marina Gning, Co-founder and CEO of Apiafrique, periods, despite being a natural, monthly occurrence for millions of women, is still a topic that is not widely discussed and many women lack credible, reliable information. She added, “Through the ‘Break the Cycle’ program, we are committed to providing innovative solutions for women. Weerwi is designed for and with the input of girls to provide them with all the necessary information on menstruation in an age appropriate manner and cognizant of of the cultural specificities of our region of Africa.”
The launch event, held at the Institut Français de Dakar, was an opportunity to showcase the different tools now available to girls in Senegal, and across the continent, namely a YouTube channel in French and Wolof with a web series directed by celebrated Senegalese director, Kalista Sy, a booklet with tips and advice, a chatbot in the Weerwi application and a website.
Soukeyna Ouedraogo, Programme Manager for ‘Break the Cycle’ at Apiafrique said: “84% of young girls and women are not well prepared to manage their first period. Let’s talk about this natural process, which is a sign of good health, and ensure that all parties, parents, schools, family members, including men and boys, play their part in demystifying periods.”