TickleLife, a company with a mission to build the world’s first pleasure tech stack, is launching TickleCharge, a censor-proof payment gateway for the sexual wellness industry. 

TickleLife shares that TickleCharge is unique as it has become the only payment gateway in the market created for an industry, which has been de-platformed, censored and multiple times rejected for payment integration to their platforms. TickleCharge will cater to anyone from the sexual well-being and sextech industry, whether they are a sex educator, doctor, sex therapist, coach, or a sextech entrepreneur.

On the launch announcement, Shakun Sethi, founder of TickleCharge said: “Operating in the sexual well-being industry for more than 2 years and as a user ourselves, we encountered multiple roadblocks in the payments front while engaging with users from across the world. We realized that a major component of the services provided would be incomplete unless payment stability is created. Hence the birth of TickleCharge.”

TickleCharge will mostly be active in the North American market but will work with merchants from across the world on a case to case basis. TickleCharge can receive and hold 20 currencies, can be easily integrated with multiple platforms, and offers a robust merchant verification process to avoid de-platforming at a later point.

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