Image: MUU

Muu, a new breast pump designed to cater to the needs of active parents, launches last week, conceptualized by Janice Gott, a mother and former Hollywood PR executive, who set out to make the breastfeeding experience more manageable for busy parents. Muu is a single-part, passive pump, created to fit discreetly under clothing, facilitating a hands-free, cordless experience. This design addresses common concerns with traditional breast pumps, such as complexity and inconvenience. Affordably priced under $50, Muu wants to stand out as both budget-friendly and user-friendly, as it simplifies the pumping process, needing only one component to be cleaned and operating without the need for batteries.

Janice Gott’s journey from a career in PR to developing a breast pump is rooted in her personal experiences and challenges with breastfeeding. Her insights as a parent have significantly influenced the design and functionality of Muu. In our interview, Gott shares more about her transition to product development, the specific challenges she aimed to address with Muu, and her vision for its role in the market.

Muu Creator Janice Gott. Image: Muu

Janice, you’ve transitioned from a high-profile career in Hollywood PR to launching the Muu brand. What inspired you to take this leap into the femtech industry, and how has your background influenced the branding and marketing strategy for Muu?

Muu was born out of my personal desire for a pump that better fit my lifestyle. Pumping is such a person-to-person experience, and I wanted something easy and wearable that works for my body. I didn’t want to have to wash multiple parts after each use, or fuss with batteries and charging. And once we started really auditing the space, we discovered we could do it in a way that allows us to bring to market a comprehensive offering at a price point more accessible to the 99%.

Having had a PR career prior, which, to say the least is branding/marketing adjacent, I knew what resonates with me as a consumer. I knew we needed to be different in our ethos, and not just for the sake of marketing. The fact that a single-piece option this versatile at this affordable cost wasn’t already in market felt in itself controversial. So we doubled down on that POV, by deciding it was OK to be a bit louder, gutsier, in how we show up in this category.

Can you share a bit about the personal challenges you faced with existing breast pumps, and how these experiences drove the innovation behind Muu?

As I was preparing to return to work after having my son, I was so anxious about the fact that I was an overproducing milk, and if I didn’t pump every couple hours, I would be in a lot of pain. As an executive at the time, I knew I couldn’t be lugging around my tried and true hospital-grade pump; and the secondary options were either unwearable, required too many parts, or not compatible with my body.  

The design of the Muu Pump emphasizes wearability and discretion. What were the key factors you considered in the design process to ensure that it meets the needs of modern, active parents?

The Muu Pump comprehensively addresses the major pain points of pumping: time, ease, cost, function, feel and aesthetic, but I think it’s important to highlight the affordability element. I was painfully aware that my almost four month paid maternity leave is not the American standard, and even still I returned to work with a lot of anxiousness. The reality is that 1 in 4 moms are returning to work just two weeks after baby, and the majority of U.S. moms take home under $42k a year. We need mobile options for work and home that don’t feel like a car payment.

The launch of Muu is a significant milestone. What are your aspirations for the brand, and how do you envision Muu shaping the landscape of breastfeeding solutions in the market?

I hope this escalates access to mobile pumping in general, and I hope it encourages more innovation in this category. Because it’s such a personal experience, what works for you may not work for me and vice versa. I truly do believe there’s room for more. 

Finally, as a family-owned brand with a clear mission, what message do you want to convey to parents who might be considering the Muu Pump, and what stands out about Muu in the competitive world of breast pumps?

Parenting is hard enough as it is. I just wanted an easy wearable pump that works for me, that doesn’t also come with a cost barrier to the 99%. So we went and made it.

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