Barcelona-based company MiMARK has received €1.5M in funding from EIT Health following the EIT Health Wild Card program. The company is working on improving accuracy and efficiency of diagnostics for endometrial cancer.
Abnormal vaginal bleeding affects 9M women in EU and US yearly. Diagnosis of endometrial cancer is mandatory since 10% of these women will suffer it. Current diagnosis is based on the pathological examination of an endometrial biopsy (pipelle biopsy), but this fails to diagnose 22% of patients, and provides an inaccurate diagnosis in 55% of cases. This failure is associated to the scarce cellularity of the sample. In those cases, invasive diagnosis using histeroscopy needs to be performed. MiMark is focused on improving the accuracy and efficiency of diagnostics for endometrial cancer. Early detection is linked to increased survival.
In addition to the financial support, EIT Health offers mentoring and coaching, as well as access to its network across Europe.