Earlier today LactApp annoucned the launch of LactApp Medical, a new mobile application for breastfeeding advice aimed at professionals. After creating their leading breastfeeding app in 2016, LactApp has now designed a new application that provides useful tools for healthcare professionals who wish to assist breastfeeding mothers and their babies in the best possible way.

Unlike LactApp, an app designed for mothers with customized content according to the stage of breastfeeding or pregnancy they are in, LactApp Medical gives professionals access to all the content in the app. Included are also specific sections for professionals with a special focus on Covid-19. The app is free to download for both iOS and Android. In addition, LactApp Medical Premium offers new functionalities to accompany healthcare professionals in their work like expert chats with international lactation consultants, weekly case studies to solve, medical information on the interaction with symptoms and pathologies and tracking functions to monitor the evolution of infants incl. automatic detection of anomalies.

According to the research done by the UK GP Infant Feeding Network only few GPs report having had formal training on lactation. Even in Norway where breastfeeding initiation and continuation are high, GPs scored an average of only 49% correct answers in multiple-choice knowledge questions on the topic. More and more health care professionals are demanding education and training on lactation and LactApp Medical wants to fill this gap for professionals in specialties like pediatrics, nursing, gynecology, physiotherapy, speech therapy, dentistry or psychology, as well as lactation consultants, peer support volunteers, doulas and midwives.

“We need to put the focus on women’s health and give breastfeeding the attention that mothers demand, especially as the pandemic has left so many of them in a vulnerable situation,” says LactApp’s Chief Clinical Officer, IBCLC and midwife Laia Aguilar. “LactApp offers a helping hand to professionals, to become their support in clinical practice”.

The application was launched earlier today during the 1st LactApp Medical Day, which was attended by more than 1,400 registered mother and child care professionals. During the virtual event, the 1st LactApp Best Practices Awards were presented in collaboration with Elvie, inventors of the innovative wearable breast pump.

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