Berlin-based Keleya has recently announced a €3M Series A to expand and continue growing both its signature app for parents-to-be and its sister site Ammely, a midwife matching platform. Participating investors in this recent round include Crista-Galli Ventures, Calm/Storm Ventures and SeedLink SL.
“Lack of access to midwives isn’t a new phemomenon, that started during the pandemic. Around 30% of parents-to-be in Germany don’t have access to a midwife. At Keleya we connect parents and midwives, but also offer a whole digital ecosystem of information, education and care, which is paid for by many insurances”, says Keleya, Co-founder and CEO Victoria Engelhardt.
This new funding round follows a successful year of growth for Keleya. The company’s birth preparation courses for moms-to-be and dads-to-be are now reimbursed by more than 20 private and public insurance providers in Germany and Ammely, the company’s midwife matching platform, was launched in cooperation with the German Midwife Association (Deutscher Hebammenverband e.V.) in April 2020. Since then 4,000 midwives have registered.
Today around 15% of parents-to-be in Germany use Keleya products or services, a number which the company plans to grow further in 2022.