CooperCompanies has signed a definitive purchase agreement to acquire Generate Life Sciences, a privately held provider of donor egg and sperm for fertility treatments, fertility cryopreservation services and newborn stem cell storage (cord blood & cord tissue).
CooperCompanies is a global medical device company publicly traded on the NYSE, that operates through two business units, CooperVision and CooperSurgical. CooperVision brings a refreshing perspective on vision care with a commitment to developing a wide range of high-quality products for contact lens wearers and providing focused practitioner support. CooperSurgical is committed to advancing the health of women, babies and families with its diversified portfolio of products and services focusing on medical devices and fertility & genomics.
Generate Life Sciences is a life sciences company helping to grow and protect families through reproductive, newborn stem cell, genetic screening, medical device, and healthcare technology services.
“This acquisition is a strong strategic fit for CooperSurgical as it allows us to better serve fertility clinics and OB/GYNs with a more extensive suite of products and services,” said Al White, Cooper’s President and CEO. “As a leader in women’s healthcare, this is an important addition to our existing offerings and allows us to leverage our infrastructure and expertise, including our sales forces’ strong clinical reputation and educational capabilities.”
Cooper will pay approximately $1.6 billion to acquire Generate Life Sciences. The transaction is anticipated to close in Cooper’s first fiscal quarter of 2022 and is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approval.
Generate Life Sciences reported approximately $250 million in trailing twelve-month revenues as of September 30, 2021. Excluding one-time charges and deal-related amortization, the acquisition is expected to be accretive to Cooper’s non-GAAP earnings per share by approximately $0.30 in the first year after closing.
Additional details concerning the acquisition are available here.