
International Women’s Day 2020: Introducing better.

The other day an email landed in my inbox. “Are you doing anything for International Women’s Day at Femtech Insider?”. The embarrassing answer was no. Truth is I’d forgotten about it. Did I feel bad? Yep. But I also wasn’t quite sure what we could or should contribute. What’s a blog post going to change? What’s a social media post going to…

An Inside Look at 50inTech and AXA’s New Femtech Accelerator

50inTech and AXA announced the launch of their “FemTech 2020 Accelerator Program” during Women’s Forum last week. The 10 startups selected for this program will have access to mentoring, learning and acceleration resources that are designed to support female founders uplevel their skills, gain industry exposure and raise funds. This accelerator is best suited for startups who  Have launched their product or…

Private Packs: Viva la Vulva Care Revolución!

When Suzanne Sinatra started Private Packs in January 2017 with a mission to relieve vulvas everywhere of symptoms like swelling, pain, and dryness, she didn’t know, that life was about to throw her a curveball. In August of the same year, 2 weeks before the original launch date of her new venture, Sinatra was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had to undergo…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 7 Startups Working on Making Early Detection More Accessible

Every October public service organizations, professional medical associations, government agencies, companies and NGOs team up to organize Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a campaign to promote breast cancer awareness, share information on the disease and provide greater access to screening services. According to research by the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer in…