
Supermoon Capital Launches a New $36M Fund Focused on Sleep

Supermoon Capital, formerly known as SleepScore Ventures, has announced the launch of its first $36M venture fund. Goal is to invest in early-stage startups across all geographies working on science-backed innovations aimed to improve sleep. With the world’s first fund investing in sleep, Supermoon Capital aims to address the rapidly emerging category of the “Night Market”, the firm’s name for the budding $488B…

Why Former 500 Startups Partner Paul Singh Is Bullish about Women’s Health and Looking to Build the “P&G of the 21st Century”

“Femtech funding lags behind the hype,” said Reenita Das of Frost & Sullivan, the firm whose infamous femtech market report helped put the women’s health innovation space on the map back in 2018 in a recent article. And we don’t disagree. Yes, femtech funding indeed lags behind, but the good news is that the times they are changing. Just last week, we…

The Overlooked Investment Opportunity: Menstrual Health

A Guest Post by The Case for Her in Celebration of Menstrual Hygiene Day. The Case for Her is a philanthropic investment portfolio focusing on the key women’s health areas of menstruation and sexual health and pleasure. We’re not your typical Femtech investors. We use investing as a tool in our philanthropy and to accomplish our goal of driving more funding into…

VIMPROs: Why Heal Capital Is Building a Community of Vertically Integrated Micro-Providers in Europe and Beyond

The consumerization of healthcare is well on the way as the recent rise in popularity of digital health has more and more patients looking for more convenience and an overall better care experience when accessing healthcare services. European VC Heal Capital has built a thesis based on this trend and backs mission-driven, category-defining healthtech companies. At the core of Heal Capital’s thesis…

CVS Health Launches a $100M Venture Fund

Earlier today CVS Health announced the launch of CVS Health Ventures, a dedicated corporate venture capital fund that will invest in and partner with high-potential, early-stage companies focused on making health care more accessible, affordable, and simpler. “Consumers deserve a better health experience, one that puts them at the center of cutting-edge, digitally enabled solutions,” said Karen S. Lynch, President and CEO, CVS…

All Raise Annual Report: “2020 was not a good year for women and non-binary individuals in tech and venture.”

All Raise was initially born our of a grassroots movement in 2017 to arm women with access guidance and support to advance their professional growth. Today the organization is on a mission to accelerate the success of female founders and funders to build a more prosperous, equitable future. Yesterday All Raise published its latest Annual Report and truly 2020 wasn’t a great…

Rhia Ventures Appoints Erika Seth Davies as New CEO

Rhia Ventures is on a mission is to create a vibrant U.S. market for sexual, reproductive, and maternal health that produces equitable outcomes for all. The firm makes direct investments in early- and growth-stage companies, provides technical assistance and resources to portfolio companies, and organizes corporate engagement programs to change social norms, practices, and people that influence the market. Yesterday the firm announced…

Healthy Pleasure Group Launches Amboy Street Ventures, a Fund Dedicated to Sexual Wellness and Women’s Health

Healthy Pleasure Group (HPG), the global outfit dedicated solely to Sexual Health and Technology has announced the launch of Amboy Street Ventures (ASV), a capital fund focused on Sexual Health (for all genders) and women’s health technology startups. ASV also announced its first two investments in Dame Products, a leading female-focus ed sexual wellness brand and Gennev, the digital health platform for women going through…