Functional fitness company P.volve is launching its new Moving With Menopause program as a benefit employers can offer to their female and trans employees today.
P.volve’s menopause program is led by Antonietta Vicario, P.volve’s Head of Menopause Programs and Vice President of Talent and Training, alongside insights from P.volve’s Clinical Advisory Board, whose members include Chief Physical Therapist Dr. Amy Hoover and Dr. Suman Tewari, an obstetrician-gynecologist who specializes in helping women balance hormonal issues and related conditions.
Although menopause begins in the U.S. at an average age of 51, symptoms can start much earlier, even in the early 40s, and so P.volve’s new program addresses the unique needs not just of those in menopause but also those transitioning to menopause or in post-menopause.
“We are there for every stage of our members’ lives, and want to show them that they have autonomy throughout the Menopause Transition, and that we have the tools and strategies that can help them move through menopause and beyond,” said P.volve founder Rachel Katzman. “Menopause is a workforce issue just like pregnancy and childcare, and companies that want to maximize the potential of their workers should support them through this transition.”
According to Vicario, “Menopause is often a very chaotic and challenging time. But there is a myriad of ways we can disrupt some of that chaos through specialized movement and mindfulness interventions, adapting one’s workout routine and exercise types to take back some control and ultimately live a fuller life.”