WOC in Femtech & Women’s Health Innovation

Are you a writer like us here at Femtech Insider? Conference organizer looking for speakers for your next event? Investor looking for investment opportunities in the women’s health space? Bookmark this database of womxn of color who are driving change in women’s health!

The goal of this database is to create more visibility for womxn of color in the femtech community (and beyond!) and we are committed to improving it over time in hopes to contribute to creating more opportunities for underrepresented founders in our space.

The list in its current form is far from complete and we hope you will help us turn it into a useful resource for our entire community by adding those we may have missed or don’t know yet. We have focused on founders in this first iteration, but please feel free to add investors, researchers, or any other innovator and leader you think should be on this list.

We need your help!

Who did we miss? Please help us make this database better by adding anyone you think should be on this list!

If you have any feedback, would like to contribute or support this effort in any way, please get in touch at hello (at) femtechinsider (dot) com.