Rock Health have released their Q1 Digital Health Market Insights. While digital health saw a funding record in Q1 ($3.1B), investors and companies brace for COVID-19 impact.
Digital health venture funding had its strongest start ever in 2020, with a prodigious $3.1B invested across Q1. In February the COVID-19 pandemic hit the US, sending an immediate shock through public markets. The twin crises of a global pandemic and massive economic shifts will rapidly impact all market sectors, including digital health. To assess the scale, direction, and timing of the impact, we surveyed twelve leading healthcare investors between March 16 and March 20, 2020 (and included our own response in the sample). Although the responses paint a somber picture of the emerging funding environment, there is a tangible sense of resolve to not waste this crisis—to leverage digital health solutions to immediately combat the pandemic and build on that momentum to radically reshape the way healthcare is delivered in the US and globally.
Source: Rock Health