As a female, dry, flaky skin in the public area is probably more common than you may think. Unfortunately, there are also a number of causes for this, including skin conditions, infections, allergic reactions, and more.
Sometimes your clothing can even play a crucial role in determining whether you get dry, flaky skin or not.

Here, we will go through the symptoms of this kind of skin issue, as well as the possible causes and treatment options. Treatment may be as simple as keeping your skin properly moisturized, to vitamins and supplements.
So, keep reading if you would like to find out more! By the end of this article, you will have a good idea of what you can do to alleviate your symptoms and deal with the potential causes.
Symptoms To Look Out For
Dry and flaky skin in the public region is often only the tip of the iceberg. Truth is, there could be dozens of underlying reasons and factors to consider.
It’s important to remember that your skin should be moisturized when it needs it. This is because dry skin will not be as elastic and healthy as it should be, as it will be lacking the oils it needs.
Unfortunately, there are a number of other symptoms that can arise because of dry skin, and many of them are worse than simply dry skin.
Dry skin can lead to intense itching, sores, tearing, bumps and rashes, and more. If you think that you may be experiencing any of these, keep reading.
What Can Cause This Dry And Flaky Skin in the Female Pubic Area?
The causes of dry skin can vary greatly from one person to the next. There may be causes that are easy to treat, like a simple lack of moisture in the skin, or something else to take into consideration.
Unfortunately, many issues have underlying causes that require intervention in order to get better.
Psoriasis in general is an unpleasant, long-term autoimmune condition. Genital psoriasis will impact the genital area, with somewhere around 63% of adults experiencing flares in their pubic area at some point in their life.
There are two kinds of psoriasis that can impact the vulva – plaque and inverse psoriasis. Itching is the primary symptom that people with psoriasis experience, but it can become painful and very inflamed and irritated.
It is common for flaky skin patches to appear, and patches of skin can become pink or red for people with lighter complexions. On individuals with darker complexions, patches of skin can develop a gray or purple color.
Medication might be prescribed to people who have serious psoriasis cases. However, treatment for this condition usually consists of moisturizing the area to reduce any inflammation and alleviate the itching.
Vaginal Infections
Vaginal infections frequently result in dry and flaky skin in the public area. This is an umbrella term given to a variety of infections you may experience, including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis (BV), trichomoniasis, and more.
Other symptoms of vaginal infections can vary. However, common occurrences include the presence of the following symptoms:
- Pelvic and lower back pain
- Cottage cheese-like discharge
- Green, yellow, or gray discharge
- Pain during sex
- Unpleasant vaginal odor
- Burning feeling when urinating
It is important to go to your doctor if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, as you may need treatment.
Leaving these infections can result in more widespread issues and health concerns, and may even cause infertility. In many cases, you may require antibiotics to resolve the issue.
Irritation is the most common cause of dry, flaky skin in the female pubic area. This is primary due to the fact that the pubic region is typically covered in tight clothing – whether this is underwear or otherwise.
As a result, this area of our bodies experiences the most humidity, sweating, and friction throughout the day.
Common causes of skin irritation include wearing jeans that are too tight around the crotch, as well as wet swimwear and damp leggings.
The tightness and dampness from these kinds of outfits will likely result in skin irritation in a short span of time. For the same reason, wearing leggings every day can cause irritation, as there is constant friction.
In some cases, feces and urine will also contribute to this issue, but this is primarily an issue with individuals who have weak bladders or those who experience incontinence.
Other common causes for skin irritation in this area include things like baby wipes and other scented wipes, scented soaps, bubble baths, and gels, vaginal deodorants, hemorrhoid creams, talcum powder, and even sanitary pads.
Please note that the use of scented products, including vaginal deodorants, moisturizers, creams, soaps, and more, is not recommended for the public area. All these products can cause unnecessary irritation, and it can impact people with sensitive skin very quickly and easily. There are however specialized products you may use in your intimate area. Make sure the products you use are appropriate.
Eczema Or Dermatitis
Issues like eczema are more common than you think, and is an inflammatory skin condition. It can impact the face and any part of the body, and is frequently triggered by allergies.
The symptoms can appear slowly over a few days after coming into contact with the substance you are allergic to, resulting in uncomfortable rashes and itching.
If scratched too much, this issue can turn into unpleasant sores, which can ooze fluid. Unfortunately, there are numerous things that are known to cause allergic reactions, including the following:
- Flavored condoms
- Some lubricants
- Vaginal piercings
- Latex
- Hair removal products
- Scented tampons and pads
- Synthetic underwear
- Detergents
- Vaginal douches
The only things you can do in this case would be to find out exactly what is causing the allergic reaction, and avoid it.
By pinpointing what the exact issue is, you can take steps to prevent yourself from coming into contact with the material or product.
You may be prescribed steroid creams to ease the rash, and be directed to gently wash the area with unscented soap and warm water.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Having unprotected sex can result in the spread of STIs, or sexually transmitted infections.
While there are numerous STIs that you should be aware of, the ones that can cause dry, flaky skin in the public area include public lice, HSV (herpes simplex virus), syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and HIV.
It should be noted that many people do not even have symptoms when they have an STI.
However, there can be additional symptoms to note, such as a burning sensation when urinating, abnormal vaginal discharge, spotting between periods, pain during sex, unpleasant vaginal odors, and sores around the anus and genitals.
When STIs are left untreated, significant damage can be done to other areas of the body like the brain and kidneys. Depending on the type of STI, symptoms can vary.
However, if you relate to any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should book an appointment with your doctor.
Treatment will vary based on the type, and you will need to have your urine, blood and feminine pH levels tested. You may get prescribed antiviral or antibacterial medication, or anything else your doctor deems necessary.

Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen sclerosus is a type of chronic inflammatory skin condition, and typically results in shiny white patches of wrinkly skin around the anus and vulva of women.
It is also accompanied by intense itching, and is most common in women of postmenopausal age. However, it can also impact girls who have not yet begun menstruating.
When a woman suffers this skin condition, the skin in the affected areas gets thinner. This makes it more prone to peeling, tearing, and experiencing small, blister-like sores.
Other symptoms can include feeling of discomfort when defecating, urinating, or pain while having sex.
As this is a chronic and untreatable issue, all you can do is manage the symptoms. Thankfully, it is not contagious either, so you don’t need to worry about spreading it to your partner.
Treatment usually consists of a mixture of steroid creams and medications to manage symptoms.
How To Remedy Dry, Flaky Skin In The Pubic Area
Luckily, there are often simple remedies that you can work into your daily life to alleviate and prevent dry skin from occurring in the first place.
However, there will be times when some kind of medical intervention will be necessary to ensure your health.
It is important to note that if you are experiencing the sky and flaky skin as well as other symptoms we have mentioned in previous sections, we advise that you make an appointment with your medical practitioner.
This is because there may be underlying issues that need to be dealt with, too.
With that being said, there are remedies you can implement at home to keep your skin looking (and feeling) its best. These can be as simple as moisturizing your skin, and ensuring that you stay hydrated.
Let’s take a look at a few things you can do in the section below.
Nutrients And Vitamins
Getting the correct vitamins and nutrients can make a world of difference to your overall health, which includes your skin! Make sure that you are getting all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need.
Things such as vitamin C, D, B, zinc, iron, and niacin are crucial.
You can get these vitamins and minerals through your diet by eating all the right foods, or by taking supplements.
Either way, make sure that you find out what you need, and you start taking them daily – you could see a huge improvement in your health.
Moisturizing And Hydrating
You should aim to be drinking at least one liter of water a day, but the exact amounts will vary depending on your activity levels, height, and weight.
Some people will need to drink more than others, so don’t immediately force yourself to drink too much – there is such a thing as too much water!
On top of that, you should try to use all-natural and organic moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. This can help to get the correct pH balance, as well as ease irritation and dryness.
Lifestyle Changes
Many people overlook the impact of their lifestyle when it comes to vaginal health – especially with dry, flaky skin in the public region. There are a number of factors that can contribute to frequently occurring issues and dry skin.
Of course, things are different for everybody. However, if you find yourself constantly experiencing these unpleasant symptoms, you might want to review your clothing and some lifestyle choices. This will include the following things:
- Be gentle with drying – never rub your vulva when drying off, pat it dry instead to avoid irritating the sensitive skin.
- Avoid scented products – scented products are known to cause reactions, especially for people with sensitive skin. This includes avoiding scented soaps, gels, vaginal deodorants, scented sanitary products, and douching.
- Avoid synthetic underwear – synthetic underwear do not allow the skin to breathe, and can cause increased humidity, sweating, and general discomfort.
- Change out of damp clothing – never stay in damp or wet clothing. This includes getting out of wet swimwear and gym clothes once you are done. You should rise or wash, then dry off and get into fresh clothes.
- Avoid constantly wearing tight clothing – wearing clothing that constantly puts pressure on your skin will cause friction. In turn, this will cause discomfort in various areas.
- This can include wearing things like very tight jeans, leggings, or ill-fitting underwear.
Boric Acid Supplements
Boric acid can also be helpful in treating vaginal infections, and has been used for centuries. This can help to soothe irritation as well as rebalance the microflora after you experience STIs or yeast infections.
Please note that boric acid should never be taken by pregnant people or taken orally.
Probiotic Supplements
Probiotics can play an important role in vaginal health, too, and should not be overlooked.
Not only will probiotic supplements help to improve gut health, but they can keep the vaginal pH levels balanced and help to reduce the risk of vaginal infections from occurring.
You can get great probiotics from things like miso, kombucha, yogurt, and various other foods, or get them in supplements.
Are Some Women More Susceptible To Experiencing Dry Skin Than Others?
Yes! Women over the age of 40, and those living in colder climates, are more likely to experience these kinds of issues.
Additionally, those who smoke will be more susceptible to experiencing dry skin, which can then also happen around the pubic area.
Individuals with diabetes, thyroid problems, HIV, kidney disease, and some other health conditions are also more likely to experience dry, flaky skin in the pubic area.
Final Thoughts
Dry, flaky skin in the public area can be a very uncomfortable issue to deal with, However, it’s important to remind you that this can only be the tip of the iceberg in many cases.
There might be underlying conditions that need to be dealt with before the issue can be resolved.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms we have mentioned in this article, we would strongly encourage you to get in touch with your healthcare practitioner.
Make an appointment, and make sure that you are taking care of yourself. Too often, these seemingly simple issues turn out to be something greater, and can have lifelong consequences if ignored.