Being a Guest on the Femtech Insider Podcast
Recording a podcast can be pretty straightforward, but like everything that involves technology, there are a few key things to keep in mind to help things go smoothly.
We’ve created this page to give you a better idea on what to expect and share our recommendations and tips to ensure all goes well during the recording and post-production.
Please take some time to review all the information on this page and let us know, if you have question!
How is the interview conducted?
We usually use Zencastr to record our podcast.
Is the interview live?
No, interviews are pre-recorded and will be edited before airing.
What does it cost?
Being on the Femtech Insider podcast is free of charge.
How long is the interview?
We usually schedule a 60 minute block of time to conduct the interview, and edit the overall podcast to about 25-30 minutes.
What Do I Need for the Recording?
Laptop with Internet – Please ensure you are in a place with good service.
Zencastr Recording Software – We use Zencastr to record the Femtech Insider Podcast and will send you a join-link prior to the recording. Use this link to join the call at the scheduled time. No download is required. Your audio will be recorded locally and uploaded at the end of the recording.
Microphone and Headset – We want to make sure you sound great and recommend you use a wired microphone and headset during the recording. Our recommendations:
Tips for the Recording
Turn off your cell-phone – Please turn off your cell phone or set it to silent-mode during the recording.
Remember microphones are sensitive – They pick up on typing, clicking pens, drumming with your fingers on the desk, moving papers etc. Please try and avoid those things during the recording
Close the windows and doors – Avoid interruptions by keeping windows and doors closed.
Reduce echo – Avoid rooms with lots of tiles or glass, as this may create and echo –
Don’t use a swivel chair – Swivel chairs can make sounds that are impossible to remove in post-production. Use a comfortable chair with four legs instead.
Smile! – It may sound a little weird, but try to smile during the recording. We don’t use video, but trust us: People can hear the difference.
Know someone, who should be on our podcast?
We’re always on the lookout for great innovators and leaders in the femtech space, who can share insights and knowledge with our audience. To recommend a guest for our podcast, send us a message!
Listen to the Podcast
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