As we shared with our Inner Circle members earlier this week audio erotica is having a moment. The latest addition to the category is OhCleo!, who have launched a new audio-based app that encourages sexual health and wellbeing through education, inspiration and collaboration.
OhCleo! was founded in 2021 in Sweden by Celine Fierro and Anders Lövbrand, who are on a mission to create a more liberated future where women – and everyone else – are free to explore their sexuality, embrace their desires and exude their confidence both in and outside of the bedroom.
Asked about the story behind the app, Celine Fierro explains: “My initial idea was to create environmentally friendly and ecological sex toys. As I began researching ways to enhance the experience when using the toys, I stumbled upon audio erotica. I didn’t know it existed, and when I started to listen to a few audio tracks, I was hooked – but when listening to the different audios available in the market, something was missing for me: authenticity with high-quality audio. The high-quality productions that did exist felt a bit staged and the amateur erotica community lacked good quality. From that, we started to create audio the way we wanted it to sound – sensual, authentic and less performative. Our friends, test users and investors agreed, so instead of moving forward with hardware, we chose to focus on audio erotica.”

Today OhCleo!’s app is available in more than 130 countries and offers a wide variety of unique stories and authentic sounds made for women. The audio serves as a tool to delight the listener, uncouple shame from erotica, kindle change in society, and inspire users to increase their own sexual self-confidence. Beyond the self, users have the opportunity to be part of an empowering community that instigates a sense of belonging and ownership.
Fierro adds: “OhCleo! is on a mission to encourage sexual health and well-being through education, inspiration and collaboration with the goal of destigmatizing female pleasure. Breaking stigmas and old structures is always something I have been fascinated with and have worked on throughout my career. I think the stigma around female pleasure and sexual health has a huge impact on our physical and mental well-being. When we can increase women’s sexual confidence, we not only increase our pleasure (the earlier the better!), but we also prevent sexual discomfort that many women are conditioned to tolerate due to performative, and sometimes violent, depictions of sex.”
The OhCleo! app is available for iOS and Android. The company has raise SEK10M (ca. $1.4M) to date.