In our Featured Funder Series we regularly introduce you to investors interested in the femtech space. Know someone who should be featured or want to learn about the initiative and previously featured Features Funders? Click here.
Today’s featured funder is Michele Colucci, Managing Partner at Digital Dx Ventures.

Michele, tell us a little more about yourself! How did you get into investing?
My partner, an investor in a previous startup, talked to me about it after I sent him a very successful investment when he wanted to start a fund and support women whom he noticed were strangely absent in the investor space.
Which fund do you work with and what is your investment thesis?
I’m a Managing Partner at DigitalDx Ventures. We are interested in early stage diagnostics and AI/data. We invest in companies that diagnose illness earlier, less invasive, less expensive and more accurate. Our initial investment is typically $100K-$1m initial investment and we act as a lead investor. We are open with regards to geography, but ideally the company has a presence in North America. Our focus is on female founders or females in the C suite.
What companies are you currently looking for?
Companies that are game changing diagnostics and that affect a large population.
What’s the best way to get in touch with you or your fund and how do you prefer to be pitched?
Email is fine. You can send your deck to the address mentioned on our website.
Thank you, Michele!