The other day an email landed in my inbox. “Are you doing anything for International Women’s Day at Femtech Insider?”. The embarrassing answer was no. Truth is I’d forgotten about it. Did I feel bad? Yep. But I also wasn’t quite sure what we could or should contribute. What’s a blog post going to change? What’s a social media post going to do? What could we bring to the conversation? Those thoughts sat with me for a few days until I had a conversation with Bryony Cole about the sextech hackathon she had recently organized in Melbourne.
She told me how many teams at the event came up with respectable prototypes in a mere 36 hours and I thought that was pretty bad-ass. That conversation got me thinking. What could I create in 36 hours? What problems did I want to solve? Here at Femtech Insider we believe that actions always speak louder than words and when in doubt I try to take a deep breath and default to action. Nope. We weren’t gonna post something on social media and move on. We were gonna create something special for this very community of women’s health enthusiasts, we get to be a part of.
Introducing better.
When I first started working on Femtech Insider, my mom asked me what I was building and whether it was for women like her, who want to learn more about women’s health and new products.
“Kinda. But not so much”, I said. “It’s more like a business blog.”
Over the past few months, however, that same question my mom had asked me kept popping up in discussions with women, who were not in tech, venture capital or the healthcare sector, but still had many questions and a vast interest in women’s health innovation and new products. Clearly there was demand for this type of information and we weren’t really addressing these women and their needs with our content and offer at Femtech Insider. A missed opportunity.
On the other hand I learned from many femtech founders, that they often struggle to reach their target audience simply because women were taking pain or discomfort for granted and didn’t realize there were products and services, that could help them address their health concerns.
Demand here. An offer there. Why not bring them together?!
Well. We did.
Today I am excited to announce the launch of better., a product discovery platform for innovative women’s health products and services. While product discovery is the heart of this new platform we also curate a newsletter, that we hope everyone with an interest in women’s health innovation will enjoy.

She wants better. She deserves better.
Better products. Better care. Better health.
Visit us over at better. and let us know, what you think!