Can Femtech Help the NHS?

Can femtech help the NHS? In our brand new Femtech TV series no other than DigitalHealth.London‘s Jenny Thomas sits down with experts from across the NHS and UK digital health ecosystem to explore just that! If you wanna learn more about Jenny and this series, our announcement if a great place to start.

If you’re ready to dive right in watch the interviews below or read Jenny’s write-ups in which she introduces you to her guests. Got feedback or know someone, who she should absolutely interview? Great! Send us a message and we’ll be in touch!

Our Guests

Dr. Hiba Saleem: “I don’t think we talk about femtech enough yet in the NHS. It’s early days. We’re only just getting started.”’s Katherine Ward: “Working with the NHS can be complicated, but with the right partners it’s absolutely possible.”

Peppy’s Mridula Pore: “All of us will have episodes in our lives where our health is vulnerable. We may not consider ourselves ill enough to go to a medical doctor, but we do need support.”


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