Every Monday (or Tuesday this week.. We’re sorry about the delay!) we share a quick “best of” from the week that was with our Inner Circle members. What’s trending in the Femtech Insider community and beyond? We’ve got you covered! In this week’s brief we talk about how Private Equity meets Sextech, plus…

  • #BeatTheAdBan: Women’s Health Startups Take the Streets of London
  • Networking: Intros by Femtech Insider
  • Startup Spotlight: Curiva, Canopy & BBy
  • And more!

Private Equity meets Sexual Wellness

Last week Yellow Wood, a Boston-based private equity firm focused on investing in consumer brands and companies acquired sextech company Clio. The acquisition is part of a larger plan to form a new sexual wellness platform, Beacon Wellness Brands.

Jennifer Roach Pacini, Principal at Yellow Wood, explains the acquisition: “Sexual wellness has become a key pillar of personal wellness – alongside physical, nutritional, and emotional wellness. Consumers are increasingly thinking of sexual wellness as a sphere of their life integral to their holistic happiness and deserving of proactive focus.”

Clio Founder & CEO Jamie Leventhal will continue to lead the new company and is reportedly on the look-out for new brands to add to the product portfolio. (!) #moreacquisitionstocome

Of course an acquisition in our space is always somewhat exciting, in this case, however, we’re wondering whether this exit will further contribute to the destigmatization and de-risking of the category for early stage investors as paths to exit become more obvious. So will we see more early stage investments in the sextech category in the upcoming months? Possibly… We’ll be watching the space closely. 👀

💡 Another noteworthy acquisition in this space: Just last year CPG giant Reckitt Benckiser acquired intimate care brand Queen V.

👉 More info about the deal in Beauty Independent: “Actively Looking For Acquisitions”: Clio CEO Jamie Leventhal Talks Strategy Post-Yellow Wood Partners Acquisition

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