Every Monday we share a quick “best of” from the week that was in the world of women’s health innovation with our Inner Circle members. What’s trending in the Femtech Insider community and beyond? Read on!

The Future of Menstrual Health

Last week femtech startup Guud, a DTC company focused on menstrual health, launched its new products in the European market. British Jennis recently introduced its wellness app, helping women map their workouts to their cycle. Startups like Daye or August are reinventing the cycle care category through customer centricity and radical focus on inclusivity. Clearly menstrual health startups are making headlines these days, and expanding the definition of menstrual health startup” beyond the cycle tracker.

Trend Forecasting Agency Ultra Violet recently explored the space and published a deep-dive into the ‘Future of Cycle Care’, which is a great framework for those looking to understand the trends beyond the headlines. Most definitely worth a read!

The Key Trends Ultra Violet Identified:

Precision Health“For women, and people who menstruate, an increased thirst for knowledge is often met with the reality of the gender data gap. Tired of the lack of access to accurate information specific medical needs, people are taking back ownership of their health and playing a more active role in their healthcare experience.”

Wellness Pollination: Consumers now demand that wellness and self-care is baked into every element of their life.”

Planet Positive: People now expect a choice of eco-friendly alternatives to suit their needs without sacrificing comfort, style or finances.”

Radical Inclusivity: The move towards a more inclusive future sees brands take this one step further, practicing radical empathy as part of the design process and ensuring the consumer is involved in every stage from product development to marketing.”

Curious? Download Ultra Violet’s Full Report on ‘The Future of Cycle Care: 2022’

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