Femtech Canada has officially submitted a request to the Canadian federal government, advocating for a $100 million investment to accelerate women’s health and femtech innovation across the country. This funding would support initiatives aimed at addressing longstanding gaps in women’s healthcare and driving advancements in the rapidly growing femtech sector.

The proposal is part of Femtech Canada’s push to have women’s health recognized as a national priority, particularly in the context of the April 2025 federal budget. To garner public and industry support, Femtech Canada is calling for signatures of endorsement for this budget request, encouraging those in the industry and beyond to sign the petition and help bring attention to the cause.

The proposed $100 million would be allocated to various initiatives designed to foster growth in the femtech ecosystem, from research and development to commercialization and scaling of innovative solutions focused on women’s health. By investing in these areas, the Canadian government would not only support critical health innovation but also contribute to closing gender gaps in healthcare access and outcomes.

The call for funding has received backing from key stakeholders in Canada’s innovation and healthcare sectors, including Innovation Factory, Nexus Strategic Consultants, MaRS Discovery District, and others. These organizations recognize the significant impact that strategic investment in women’s health can have, not just on the industry but on society as a whole.

Femtech Canada is urging supporters to sign the petition and share it within their networks to build momentum for this important cause. The goal is to secure a spot on the April 2025 budget agenda and ultimately ensure that women’s health receives the attention and resources it deserves.

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