Sexual wellness company Dame has teamed up with creative agency Mischief @ No Fixed Address to launch a new limited edition sex toy bearing the face of Mitch McConnell, the Republican senator from Kentucky who helped engineer the fall of Roe v. Wade by working to reshape the federal judiciary and the US Supreme Court.
Goal of the campaign is to “make sure this issue is top of mind leading up to the midterm elections, when people have the chance to make meaningful change”, says Dana Buckhorn, a creative at Mischief @ No Fixed Address, the creative agency that teamed up with Dame.
Alexandra Fine, Founder and CEO of Dame Products adds: “In dismantling the critical right to abortion access, the government has f*cked America. At Dame, we believe our bodies are our own, and it is our choice to do with them as we please. This encompasses everything from pleasure to life-saving healthcare. So we wanted to engage in the discourse, raise funds, and have fun doing it. Pleasure is our guiding force and we need autonomy over our bodies in order to enjoy them.”

The proceeds from the sale of these toys will go towards organizations fighting for the right to access abortion healthcare following the June 24, 2022 decision to overturn a half a century of precedent and protection, effectively stealing ownership of our bodies.
Starting today, people who want to support the right to critical healthcare access can buy this dildo at Dame for $80—a number that represents the percentage of Americans who believe abortion should be legal, according to independent research firm Gallup.