One of the most heated debates in women’s health is the gender gap, and for a good reason! Gender inequality is prevalent across the healthcare sector and medical research, resulting in an unacceptable lack of knowledge and the unequal treatment of women’s health issues compared to men. In particular, menopause research is severely affected, with significant gaps where there just isn’t information available.
Bia Care
UK-based femtech startup Bia Care is on a mission to support women going through menopause and Bia’s co-founders are now collaborating with Imperial College on a survey to understand health behaviors around menopause care.
Bia & Imperial College are inviting women between the ages of 35-70, who are experiencing symptoms associated with menopause to take their survey or to share it with people between the ages of 40-70 who have experienced or may one day experience menopause (which is defined as the last menstrual period).
You can read more about Bia’s approach to research here. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Bia’s co-founder, Fernanda Dobal.