Adidas has launched a new line of period-proof tights, that protect against leaks when worn with a tampon or pad. This product launch is part of Adidas’ roadmap of innovations to better service women in sport. The company has also collaborated with sports research scientist Dr. Georgie Bruinvels and Orreco, a athlete-focused bio-analytics company to create free resources and lesson plans for schools around the world, that help teachers, parents and teens better understand how to navigate their cycle.
“We started designing this collection from the inside, out. We knew it had to be comfortable and breathable, but most importantly, it had to serve its purpose of helping to protect against leakage. The biggest challenge we faced in bringing the TechFit period proof tights to market was the testing. It was incredibly rigorous and went through several rounds, because we had to be sure our product could deliver,” explains Kim Buerger, Senior Prouct Manager, Women’S Appatel at adidas.
Dr. Georgie Bruinveis, Director, Sports Science and Female Athlete Lead at Orecco adds: “It is great to see that the landscape for girls and women in sport is progressing, however it is evident that despite this, the menstrual cycle is still an area that is of embarrassment, and as a results is typically neglected and ignored. Given the impact that the menstrual cycle can have on participation and overall quality of life, this must change. Education is the ultimate starting point whereby those who menstruate can be empowered by an increased understanding of an essential physiological process. Education will enable progressive discussion, helping to break down barriers associated with physical activity and the menstrual cycle.”