Carrot Fertility, a leading provider of inclusive benefits, is expanding beyond IVF, egg freezing, pregnancy and co as it adds a new suite of services to its offering targeting those going through menopause or struggling with low testosterone. These conditions are most common for people between the ages of 42 and 65.
Carrot Fertiliy Co-founder & Chief Medical Officer Asima Ahmad, MD, MPH explains: “Hormones are integral to our daily functions, including our fertility. The same key hormones that influence ovulation, fertility treatments, and pregnancy are also involved in another important part of our lifelong journey, which is hormonal aging. The dramatic hormonal changes seen during menopause and age-related low testosterone can result in symptoms that can negatively impact people physically, mentally, and emotionally.”
Approximately 40% of men age 45+ experience low testosterone, and an estimated 1.3 million women in the U.S. alone enter menopause each year with millions more experiencing perimenopause. Without adequate support, employees’ productivity and job satisfaction can be significantly impacted. Women entering perimenopause or menopause may experience dozens of symptoms over several years, including hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and changes in mood. Barriers to care cause most people to suffer silently and for those who do seek care, many are never matched with the right education and provider to properly and comprehensively offer symptom relief and other support. As a result, approximately 20% of women between the ages of 45 and 67 consider leaving the workforce altogether.
Carrot Co-founder & CEO Tammy Sun shares: “It’s important to point out that this area of care is especially stigmatized. We’ve come a long way in terms of being able to talk about infertility or egg freezing at work for younger people, but we haven’t made as much progress in the hormonal healthcare space for older employees. The result is lost productivity at work, bouncing around the healthcare system, or suffering in silence. Fertility care for all is about including all sexes, sexual orientations, and genders, but also all ages, which is why we’re doubling down on our inclusive mission with the addition of menopause and low testosterone care.”