In recent years, we have seen an increase in research focusing on women’s health, addressing various conditions, and exploring innovative solutions to improve health outcomes. This round-up article presents an overview of the latest studies and their contributions to understanding and advancing women’s health.

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1. Digital Twin Application in Women’s Health: Cervical Cancer Diagnosis with CervixNet
Journal/Source: Cognitive Systems Research
Link: Digital Twin Application in Women’s Health

This study proposes an automated framework for cervical cancer detection using digital twin technology. The CervixNet classifier achieved a 98.91% classification accuracy, demonstrating the potential of integrating digital twin technology in healthcare to enhance diagnostics.

Conditions Addressed: Cervical cancer

2. Women’s Policy Machineries and Representation in the USA: Toward Filling Empirical Gaps
Journal/Source: French Politics
Link: Women’s Policy Machineries and Representation

This paper examines the US federal bureaucracy’s women’s policy machineries, analyzing their missions, activities, and effectiveness in implementing gender equality policies.

Conditions Addressed: Gender policy and representation

3. Perinatal Health Outcomes Among Women on Community Supervision: A Scoping Review
Journal/Source: Journal of Correctional Health Care
Link: Perinatal Health Outcomes Among Women on Community Supervision

A review of the literature on perinatal health outcomes for women on community supervision in the US, highlighting the need for more inclusive research to enhance health equity and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

Conditions Addressed: Perinatal health, community supervision

4. Analysis of Faculty Gender and Race in Scholarly Achievements in Academic Neurology
Journal/Source: Journal of Women’s Health
Link: Faculty Gender and Race in Scholarly Achievements

This study investigates the intersection of gender and race in academic neurology, finding significant inequities in academic rank, awards, funded projects, and leadership roles, particularly impacting BIPOC women.

Conditions Addressed: Academic gender and race disparities

5. Elevated Lactate Dehydrogenase – A Red Herring in the Diagnosis of a Sclerosing Stromal Tumor: A Case Report
Journal/Source: Case Reports in Women’s Health
Link: Elevated Lactate Dehydrogenase

This case report discusses the misdiagnosis of a sclerosing stromal tumor in a young woman due to elevated lactate dehydrogenase levels, emphasizing the need for including rare tumors in differential diagnoses.

Conditions Addressed: Sclerosing stromal tumor, ovarian tumors

6. The Impact of Exercise on Growth Factors in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Journal/Source: BMC Women’s Health
Link: Impact of Exercise on Growth Factors

This meta-analysis examines the effects of exercise on IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels in postmenopausal women, finding significant changes that could mitigate chronic age-related conditions.

Conditions Addressed: Postmenopausal health, exercise benefits

7. Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Human Papillomavirus in Cervical Samples from Incarcerated Women in São Paulo, Brazil
Journal/Source: Frontiers in Public Health
Link: Prevalence of STIs and HPV

This study reports a high prevalence of STIs and HPV among incarcerated women in São Paulo, emphasizing the need for targeted health policies and screening programs.

Conditions Addressed: Sexually transmitted infections, HPV

8. Assessing the Correlation between Allostatic Load and False-Positive Image-Guided Breast Biopsies
Journal/Source: Journal of Women’s Health
Link: Allostatic Load and Breast Biopsies

This research investigates the association between allostatic load (AL) and high-risk benign breast biopsy results, finding increased AL associated with high-risk pathology among patients with false-positive biopsies.

Conditions Addressed: Breast cancer diagnosis, allostatic load

9. Management of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor and Acute Appendicitis During Pregnancy: A Case Report
Journal/Source: Case Reports in Women’s Health
Link: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor and Acute Appendicitis

Describes the clinical course and management of a pregnant woman with metastatic GIST and acute appendicitis, highlighting treatment challenges.

Conditions Addressed: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, pregnancy complications

10. Antenatal Care Service Satisfaction and Associated Factors Among Pregnant Women in Ethiopia
Journal/Source: Frontiers in Global Women’s Health
Link: Antenatal Care Service Satisfaction

This study assesses satisfaction with antenatal care (ANC) services among pregnant women in Wogera district, Ethiopia, identifying areas for improvement.

Conditions Addressed: Antenatal care, maternal health

11. Knowledge, Age, and Perceived Social Barriers Regarding Mammography Screening Among Immigrant Arab Women in the United States
Journal/Source: Journal of Women’s Health
Link: Mammography Screening Among Immigrant Arab Women

Examines knowledge gaps and social barriers to mammography screening among immigrant Arab women in the US, highlighting predictors of screening uptake.

Conditions Addressed: Breast cancer screening, immigrant health

12. Trends in Prevalence and Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy Among Bangladeshi Women from 2007 to 2018: A Comparative Analysis of Multiple Demographic Health Surveys
Journal/Source: Frontiers in Public Health
Link: Unintended Pregnancy in Bangladesh

This analysis of multiple surveys examines the prevalence and determinants of unintended pregnancy in Bangladesh, identifying socio-demographic factors and trends over time.

Conditions Addressed: Unintended pregnancy, reproductive health

13. The Role of Midwives in US Perinatal Palliative Care: A Scoping Review
Journal/Source: Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health
Link: Role of Midwives in Perinatal Palliative Care

Investigates the role of midwives in providing perinatal palliative care in the US, emphasizing the need for better integration and training in this area.

Conditions Addressed: Perinatal palliative care, midwifery

14. Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Type 2 Diabetes: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study
Journal/Source: Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism
Link: Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Diabetes

Examines the temporal association between vulvovaginal candidiasis and subsequent type 2 diabetes, highlighting the importance of early detection and management.

Conditions Addressed: Vulvovaginal candidiasis, diabetes

15. Unlocking Nature’s Secrets: Medicinal Plants for Enhanced Female Fertility
Journal/Source: Journal of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development
Link: Medicinal Plants for Female Fertility

Reviews the use of medicinal plants in enhancing female fertility, identifying various herbs and their bioactive compounds.

Conditions Addressed: Female fertility, herbal medicine

16. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Infertility: An Analysis in China
Journal/Source: Unknown
Link: PCOS and Infertility

Assesses the correlation between polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and infertility in China, using data from the Global Burden of Disease study.

Conditions Addressed: PCOS, infertility

17. Academic Accountability to Local Communities and Society through Programme Science: A Case Study from the HPV Self-Sampling Programme HOPE in Peru
Journal/Source: Journal of the International AIDS Society
Link: Programme Science in HPV Self-Sampling

Explores the application of the Programme Science framework in the HPV self-sampling program in Peru, highlighting community engagement and academic accountability.

Conditions Addressed: HPV, public health programs

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