As part of the launch of their new leak-proof underwear collection, global sports company PUMA and leak-proof apparel company Modibodi have commissioned a global survey which interviewed girls all over the globe, that investigated the reason girls are leaving sport.
The new report found that 1 in 2 teens are skipping sport because of their period. The PUMA and Modibodi global survey discovered that for many girls sport stops because of embarrassment, pain or fear of leaks during their period. The survey insights show how the culture and lack of innovation around periods is holding girls back from participating in sport.
With the subject of periods going undiscussed in the sports world, Australian PUMA athlete and AFL Collingwood star, Sabrina Frederick, is keen to break the stigma: “I was one of the ones who stayed in sport. But for many girls, that’s not a reality. Periods shouldn’t stop young girls from participating in sport. These are numbers we need to address, to keep girls in sport longer.”
The new PUMA x Modibodi collection replaces the need for disposable pads, liners, and tampons as you play. Modibodi’s proprietary Modifier Technology wicks moisture and sweat, locks away fluid and odor and keeps menstruators feeling fresh and dry.
Mobibodi Founder & CEO Kristy Chong explains: “3 in 5 teens skip sport due to fear of leaking or revealing their period which is why we are thrilled to launch this collection with PUMA and together normalize menstruation and tackle the stigma that women can’t be active on their periods or when experiencing any of life’s leaks.” She continues: “Our data also shows that 1 in 2 experience discomfort from disposable menstrual products like pads and tampons when participating in sport or physical exercise- so by releasing this range of leak-proof underwear we are hoping to make playing sport on your period more comfortable, more protected, and more possible than ever. Changing the world should be as easy as changing your underwear. Waste-free, leak-free, worry-free protection.”
Erin Longin, Global Director Running and Training business unit at PUMA, adds: “3 in 4 women believe periods need to be more openly discussed in the sports world and it’s why we are proud to partner with Modibodi to shine a light on these numbers that really matter in sports. As a global brand, we felt it important to do our part to address this issue.”
As part of the launch, PUMA and Modibodi will work with PUMA’s She Moves Us charity partner, Women Win, to donate bundle packs to 500 girls and women in need to address period poverty.