Frances Tang, a multipotentialite serial entrepreneur, set out on a mission to normalize and solve the everyday awkward and taboo encounters around hygiene essentials. When she couldn’t find a reliable method for cleaning up after sex, she decided to dig in and create one herself. After years of having those awkward conversations with friends, developing prototypes and most recently graduating from accelerator GRID110, come&gone softly launched in the fall of 2019 to huge demand. Made out of soft, medical grade material that will easily mop up excess post-coital fluids, come&gone has quickly become a go-to hygiene essential for women throughout not only the US, but also the world.

Last week the company announced a $800K investment from Unorthodox Ventures, the twist on a VC firm by Big Ass Fans Founder Carey Smith. While investments in female and minority founded companies make up a miniscule amount of investment dollars, come&gone closed their funding with Unorthodox Ventures in March, ominously on Friday the 13th in the midst of a pandemic.
“Over the past year, my mission became clear – open up the conversation, normalize those awkward hygiene topics, and provide solutions for them. I am so excited to grow the company with this investment, and am even more eager to continue expanding the product line, says Founder Frances Tang. “With the investment from Unorthodox Ventures along with advisors like Cindy Gallop, we are poised to transform the hygiene space.”