
New Horizons in Birth Control for Men  

The following guest post was written by L.R. Fox, the Chief Executive Officer of NEXT Life Sciences, Inc., a medical device company striving to transform lives through the development of its lead program, Plan A, a safe, effective, and reversible contraceptive solution for men. Fox’s goal for Plan A is to become a game-changer in family planning and men’s first choice in…

Reframing Stigma: Breaking Down Barriers in Women’s Health

The following guest post was written by Grace Tucker. Grace is Account Director at the Media Foundry, working with mission-driven startups and businesses to enhance their comms strategies, raise their profile and deliver their message in the media. Passionate about women’s health, Grace is also a FemTech Lab mentor, and hosts quarterly events for femtech founders, investors, peers, and the medical community.…

When Brand Safety Undermines Social Progress: The Femtech Paradox

The rise of the digital age has brought with it many benefits. Among them are the near-infinite opportunities for brands to place their ads in front of potential customers. With this abundance, however, comes the challenge of ensuring that these ads appear in ‘brand-safe’ environments and advertising networks have put in place strict criteria and algorithms to ensure that brand messages aren’t…

Partner Features in Reproductive Health Apps: Empowerment or Overexposure?

One of the reasons I love working in femtech, the rapidly evolving intersection of technology and women’s health, is that companies in our space are constantly innovating to cater to the diverse needs of women around the globe. A notable trend that has recently emerged is the inclusion of ‘partner features’ in reproductive health apps. Take, for example, the popular fertility tracking…

The Potential of AI in IVF Care: A Fertility Nurse’s Perspective

The following guest post was contributed by Gabrielle Heilman, BSN, MS, RN, Patient Care Specialist at Fairtility, a healthtech company advancing IVF treatment through the power of transparent AI for the betterment of clinicians and their patients. Heilman has nearly two decades of experience in nursing, specializing in women’s health. As a co-founder of MOMtility, Heilman has provided personalized guidance to many patients undergoing long-term…

A Visit to Procter & Gamble’s (Seemingly All Male) Metaverse

A couple of months ago I got my first Oculus and *really* got into Beat Saber. And while I still do enjoy the occasional VR gaming experience, lately I’ve become even more aware of and excited about the opportunities the Metaverse has to offer beyond gaming (Also in healthcare! More on that soon!) and I was quite intrigued when I saw the…

Opinion: Is French President Emmanuel Macron the Unlikely Femtech Hero We’ve All Been Waiting For?

Bonjour, mes amis! How’s it going on this beautiful day? Anyone of you spent some time on twitter as of late? Yes? No? Well. If you did and hang out in the femtech & women’s health twitterverse, you may have come across a recent tweet, that turned French President Emmanuel Macron into somewhat of a.. *taking a deep breath*… FEMTECH ICON. (Yes.…

On Patient Entrepreneurship, Living with PCOS and Building a Business During a Global Pandemic

I wrote this article last year in early April 2020. Back then I didn’t have the courage to share it, but it’s a new year and I’ve grown to understand that in a world where we all constantly strive for perfection, keeping it real can truly feel and be revolutionary at times. April 2020-Kathrin didn’t know that we’d still be in lockdown…