UK-based health tech startup Elyfia has announced the launch of its digital health coaching platform designed specifically for individuals living with fibromyalgia. The app, now available on both Apple App Store and Google Play, aims to provide personalized support through a combination of human coaching and digital tools.

Fibromyalgia, a chronic condition characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues, disproportionately affects women, with studies indicating that 80-90% of diagnosed cases are female. While the exact cause remains unknown, factors such as genetics, infections, and physical or emotional trauma may trigger the condition.

“As a healthcare professional, I’ve seen first-hand how challenging and isolating fibromyalgia can be. I grew increasingly frustrated by how difficult it is to offer consistent, affordable, and scalable support to those who genuinely need it,” says Dr. Ilan Lieberman, founder of Elyfia. “Research shows that health coaching is one of the most sustainable and effective ways to help people manage chronic conditions over the long term. This passion and belief is why I joined such an incredible team to found and build Elyfia.”

The platform integrates several complementary approaches to support patients, combining real-time health insights through wearable data integration with support from human health coaches. Users can access interactive education modules and receive AI-driven personalized care guidance, while text-based coaching provides on-demand support whenever needed.

The company is currently offering free coaching for a limited time and is waitlisting clients for the new year. Additionally, Elyfia has recently secured funding through Innovate UK.

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