2023. We’ve made it through another year. And as many others I’ve spent some time over these past couple of weeks to think and reflect. I’ve been writing this email on a weekly basis for the past two-ish years, so first of all I want to thank all of you for being on this journey with me. I’m grateful for your interest in women’s health innovation, and the developments in science, tech, and our ecosystem. I am convinced, that the work we do will help many, who are underserved today, to access and experience better care in the years to come. Thank you for all you do! 🙏

I’ve always through the purpose of this Inner Circle email is to share the things I see and learn, to encourage you to dive deeper into topics, that I feel we, as members of the healthcare innovation community, should be paying attention to. I follow the women’s health innovation ecosystem closely, and often as I learn about new companies, research or technologies, and start to envision how they fit into the future of healthcare, I end up with more questions than answers.

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